Friday, February 29, 2008

so beautiful

my roommate, my roommate's friend, my sister and i went wedding dress shopping for my roomnmate last night. she looked pretty in every single wedding dress! she's going to be a beautiful bride at her wedding. wow.

a mile

i am really psyched. i ran a mile in 11:20. that's the fastest i ever ran a mile!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

wedding dress

we're going wedding dress shopping in this evening! i'm really looking forward to it. i'm probably more excited than my roommate (she's the bride to be).

perks of having finished the evening dbt program of course is that i ate dinner around 6 pm last night and i can go wedding dress shopping before the stores close.

i started a new group yesterday and let me just say that i really miss my old group!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

oh boy oh boy

i'm done summarizing 4 out of 8 chapters for my presentation tomorrow. wow. i am half way done! i've tackled the chapters i know better so the rest of the presentation is going to be more difficult. oh well.

i didn't get the watch the hollywood party last night. isn't it a shame that i didn't get to check out pretty dresses? yeah. yeah.

at my sister's insistence i went to church yesterday. to my surprise the sermon was relevant to things i'm trying to figure out in my own life. it's a good thing i went to church yesterday. :)

i have two more days left of the intensive group therapy program. just two more days!!!