Thursday, February 28, 2008

wedding dress

we're going wedding dress shopping in this evening! i'm really looking forward to it. i'm probably more excited than my roommate (she's the bride to be).

perks of having finished the evening dbt program of course is that i ate dinner around 6 pm last night and i can go wedding dress shopping before the stores close.

i started a new group yesterday and let me just say that i really miss my old group!!!


Allyson said...

hey, how was your first day sans any group at all?? we TOTALLY miss you!! i think that all of the group leaders do too, since now THEY have to come up with the intellectual comments!!

So, did she find a dress? where did you guys go?? did you use any skills....:)!!

bleuemoon said...

i'm totally using skills, well not all the time. i miss our group!!! i know, i know it's been three weeks but i still miss our group. :)

my roommate and i were supposed to go wedding dress shopping again tonight but she's not feeling well. so we'll try again next week. we went to vows in newton.