Monday, March 31, 2008

lots of rain

our flight got cancelled! i guess i don't mind so much actually. i get to spend more time with my niece. i have to finish my presentation tonight (since the presentation is tomorrow morning!). will it get done? how will it get done???

btw chicago planetarium is not the most exciting place to visit. my niece had a good time somehow. but the rest of us were like, get me out of here!!! we went to afternoon tea after planetarium over the weekend and my niece loved it! we had also planned to go to a big toy store but it closed down. we had planned to go to a dinner place that is friendly to kids and has live jazz music. but the little ones (including me) were too tired. so we came home. all in all this visit was really great even though i had to get lots and lots of studying done. i was probably more productive here than i am usually back home!

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